Nihon Karatedo Itosu-kai USA offers several tournaments and many trainings throughout the year. Tournaments are considered essential elements of training and all students are encouraged to participate in these spirited competitions.
Semi-Annual Traditional Event (Fall and Spring)
All Karatekas are encouraged to participate
November 19, 2022 (Fall) , March 18, 2023 (Spring)
- Black Belt testing
- Red Belt testing
- Kyu testing
- Training
- Tournament
Training 9:30am-11:00am
Tournament 11am-1pm
Kyu testing Starting at 1pm - followed by Black Belt and Red Belt testing (no spectators allowed)
Being calm is important
Always respect each other
Be honest and of right mind
Never lose your temper or use Karate in anger
Never be egotistical or boastful
Don't use your techniques to impress others
We should trust each other
Don't miss the goal or point of Karate: The pursuit of Spirit

Gasshiku Special Training
From May 6th through May 8th, 2022, Mr. Crockett Sensei invited his Black Belt and eligible student to attend a special Gasshiku training in Morgan, Utah. The 3-day event was generously hosted by Black Belt, Jeff Matthews and the trainings were challenging and spirited.
Recent photos and videos of spirited competition and training can be found here.
Students will learn the traditional Japanese style of Karate, Itosu-ryu.
Class content includes all three aspects of Karate training: Kihon (basics), Kata (forms), and Kumite (controlled fighting).
Emphasis is placed on self-discipline, manners, development of physical strength, respect for others, and self defense.
Classes are designed for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students and include instruction for students specific needs as they progress through the ranks of the system. Uniforms can be purchased from instructor.
- Monday - Advanced
- Tuesday & Thursday - Jr. Beginner
- Tuesday & Thursday - Intermediate
- Tuesday & Thursday - Adult6:00PM - 7:00PM
- 8am - 4pm
- 10am - 2pm